long-term memory

Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design

Brain-based learning

Brain-based learning How We Learn: Transforming Curriculum and Classroom Practice About the Course This transformative course delves deep into the fascinating science of learning, uncovering the “how” behind “how we learn.” Drawing from the latest research and insights, it offers practical strategies to revolutionize your approach to curriculum design and classroom teaching. Whether you’re a […]

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Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design

Brain-based learning

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design Understanding the ‘how’ in ‘how we learn’ is core to curriculum design, or intent, and when teaching children – the implementation. We all want children to ‘learn the curriculum’, but what exactly does that mean? How can we get greater impact? And, importantly, how do we do

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Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design

Brain-based learning

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design Understanding the ‘how’ in ‘how we learn’ is core to curriculum design, or intent, and when teaching children – the implementation. We all want children to ‘learn the curriculum’, but what exactly does that mean? How can we get greater impact? And, importantly, how do we do

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Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design

Cognitive science and curriculum design – London

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design Understanding the ‘how’ in ‘how we learn’ is core to curriculum design, or intent, and when teaching children – the implementation. We all want children to ‘learn the curriculum’, but what exactly does that mean? How can we get greater impact? And, importantly, how do we do

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Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design

Long-term memory, Learning and curriculum design

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Brain-Based Learning: Integrating Neuroscience into Curriculum Design Understanding the ‘how’ in ‘how we learn’ is core to curriculum design, or intent, and when teaching children – the implementation. We all want children to ‘learn the curriculum’, but what exactly does that mean? How can we get greater impact? And, importantly, how do we do

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Long-term memory CPD

Retrieval and long-term knowledge – Virtual (Zoom)

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Why is it that students seem to forget what we have taught them? Despite our best efforts to engage, stimulate and motivate students, they don’t seem to retain things for long. Teachers often feel they have been successful in teaching new content, where students have understood new concepts, knowledge and vocabulary. However, what teachers

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