
a, o, i, e, u, ee, oo, oo(u), ar, or, sh, ch, th, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, e-e, ai, oa, ir, ou, ea, ay, ur, aw, oi, er, all, ow, igh, a(ar), ow(o)

Year 1

ll, y(e), ea(e), o(u), ue, ew, ore, zz, ve, ed, er, est, oy, ff, ss, oe, un, wh, ph, au, air, ear, are, ing, tch, ck, ie(i), ie(e), nk, k

Year 2

a(o), ey, o(er), ar, s, wr, le, kn/gn, tion, o(u), ar, ies, il, ce, ci, cy, dge, ge, g/j, ment, ness, less, ful, ly, el, al, contractions, ed, er/est, ing, double consonants, y(i)

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